Jun 25Liked by Edwin Kiptoo Ngetich

An informative post Edwin , I saw this on the news the other day. Kudo's to the Gen Z.

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They're waking up. They're getting to be part of building the society. Though they are a bit disorganised, I feel they want to be included in the conversation of nation building.

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I wonder If TikTok, or whatever app they use, will inspire them, and make them realize that it will be their world and they should learn how to make it the best they can, or they will just use it to numb their brains and detach from reality, becoming helpless and hopeless. Probably some of each.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Author

Welcome back. I haven't heard from you for quite a while. With that said, I realize TikTok, thought they use to fundraise, have been their worst invention. Regarding the issue that they were protesting for, most, if not all, didn't read the finance bill. The app already has started numbing them. I think they spend most of their time on it, doom scrolling videos. Essentially the app is addictive and going forward, it would be messy.

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Jun 21Liked by Edwin Kiptoo Ngetich

I think Gen Z will be the smartest generation ever to come to age. I'm not sure when that part will happen, but these kids are defying everyone's attempts to pigeon-hole them, just as happened with Gen Xers (AKA "slackers"). I think these kids will remake the world, and they'll do a better job. The future is bright.

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They're very daring, dislike hierarchical things, like taking risks, like being online. Their future will be online and they're disapproving a number of misconceptions about them.

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Jun 21Liked by Edwin Kiptoo Ngetich

great post Edwin and kudos to your Gen-z'rs

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Author

Thank you so much Fay. I really appreciate you

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